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Booking means you're declaring to the universe that you are ready to heal, grow, learn and evolve. Your soul will celebrate as it whispers, "she's ready". Breathe a sigh of relief now, love, because your life is about to become truly yours.

sessions run approx. 1.5 hrs, in-person

system to well-being, relieve stress, and fill you with a sense of peace. Intuitive messages are received during each session to support your highest good and your own personal healing and development.


A combination of reiki, mindfulness, coaching, and mediumship. Energy healing sessions include channeling healing energy to rebalance and remove blockages within your system. Signs that energy is not flowing as it should are: lethargy, dis-ease, anxiety, low mood, depression, lack of confidence, restlessness and overall dissatisfaction with life. Sessions return your 

Energy Healing

Mindset Coaching

Dedicated time and space for you to discover who you really are. We’ll look at things that may be holding you back – limiting beliefs, trauma, struggles with self-worth, operating out of fear, etc. Once you acknowledge and release all of those fears and unwritten “rules” that run your life, you create some room for your soul to speak to you. I help you meet your Higher Self, look

sessions are 1hr in length, virtual
single session
3 session package $299

at the things that make you feel alive, discover your unique skills and talents and your path to living a full and meaningful life. New client? The 3 session package is recommended.


Couples Coaching

Do you find that you argue with your partner about the same things over and over again? There is more to your relationship than fighting about the garbage or money. Couples Coaching is for those who know they can be better and there is a shiny new version of themselves somewhere underneath the old habits and patterns. Whether you've been on your own healing journey and you want your significant other to join you or you just want to find

peace in your relationship, this is for you. We meet as often as you need to work on things like understanding each others' triggers, creating new compassionate habits, conscious parenting, learning how to listen, and most importantly - being vulnerable to enable growth. 

sessions are 1hr in length, virtual
single session
3 session package $359

Workshops & Groups

1.5 -3hr workshops include:

  • "Understanding Self-Love" 

         1.5 hrs, $30

  • "Understanding Perfectionism"​​ 

         1.5 hrs, $30​

  • "Conscious Parenting"

         1.5 hrs x 2 evenings, $60

Group Coaching

6-week group coaching sessions. Each week has a different theme to help you uncover and shed light on lost parts of yourself.

Groups are kept small (3-6 people) to encourage safety and willingness to share and speak your Truth.



Book Clubs

Book clubs run multiple times a year. Each book chosen is intended to support your journey through personal development. Each group run for 5 weeks with 2 x 1 hr meetings. 


For more workshop or group information and registration please see upcoming events

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